April 2024


Discover the difference between brand and customer experience. Because although they are interconnected, they have multiple differences. Find out more!

Have you ever been to a restaurant because it was viral on social media? Its ambiance, food, decor, and service were all the rage. And you just knew that you had to try it, and you did. 

We are sure, at one point in your life, you might have tried something because you liked how it was presented. It could be because an influencer you follow raved about it, it could be because of a quirky billboard, or it could be because of the thousands and thousands of reviews it received online. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a product; it could be an entire brand. And when you experienced it, you might have loved it or hated it. 

Throughout this journey, you’ll experience a lot of feelings, create different perceptions and have a mirage of reactions. The emotions leading to a future purchase are part of the Brand Experience, while the emotions that result from direct consumption are part of the Customer Experience.

Both of these may seem quite similar, and they are certainly intertwined with each other, but they are also different. And in this article, we’ll be highlighting the key difference between brand and customer experience. 

How do Brand Experience and Customer Experience interact with the customer?

Brand Experience (BX) is more nuanced.

Brand Experience, or BX, is all about communicating the right message to the customer to evoke positive emotions about the brand. It is done more subtly. For that, the consumer doesn’t have to be a customer. For instance, when Adidas started its ‘Made with Recycled Content’ products, the launch instantly portrayed the brand in a good light. You might have bought those products, but you had to have loved them. That is brand experience design.

Customer Experience (CX) is quite obvious. 

Customer Experience, or CX, is about guiding the customer through a seamless journey so that they reach the final destination. Taking our Adidas example forward, you’ve been convinced by the products. Now, the website design and the website's loading time, whether it’s easy to navigate or not are all part of the CX on the digital side. The store experience, the way the staff treats you, the pricing of the products  contribute to the offline CX. The quality of the product and the after sales services also matter. And together all of these create the ultimate customer experience.

What stages of the customer journey do they come in? Bx and Cx

BX creates awareness and delves into consideration. 

Unique Brand Experiences leverage stage 1, that’s awareness. With BX, the consumers may not even know the brand, but through active marketing and advertising campaigns and programs, it puts the brand on the map. It essentially activates the consumers and makes them consider the brand as a possible solution to their problem. So, it suffices to say that BX ends with stage 2, consideration. 

CX taps into the purchase and everything after.

Customer Experience is intended to guide and support the consumer through his journey with your business as he is ready for stage 3, purchase. If you provide an optimized CX, you can also capitalize on retention and advocacy, where your consumers not only become loyal customers but also your proponents.

How quickly do the results come in? Difference between brand and customer experience

Brand Experience (BX) is a long-term strategy.

When you consider BX, you are in for the long run. The results don’t usually come in quickly despite continuous efforts. However, long-term engagement is known to encourage long-term association and loyalty. 

Customer Experience (CX) is a supporter of instant gratification.

A seamless User Experience without any glitches or delays will most likely result in an instant sale. However, a complicated journey where the customers can get lost will mean no conversions. And the results become evident instantly.

How are the successes measured? Brand experience vs customer experience

BX is subjective.

Brand experiences are difficult to measure as they are more focused on feelings and emotions. Two people can react very differently to the same interaction. However, walk-bys, dwell time, and return visits can give you some insights. In order to get more comprehensive insights, you will need to conduct fieldwork to observe consumers’ behaviors, interview them and conduct surveys.

CX is supported by data. 

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Effort Score (CES), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Customer Churn Rate and Customer Retention Rate are some of the metrics used to evaluate CX. You can use them individually or together to quantify the customer experience you provide in numbers.

What’s the takeaway? Brand-Customer Experience

By now, the difference between Brand and Customer Experience would be clear. Despite their differences, both have to work together because each is incomplete without the other. BX without a smooth customer experience won’t lead to sales. And without an adequate brand experience, you won’t have enough traffic or leads to make any sales. Both are equally important for any organization to function properly, and we can help you excel at both. 

Unique brand experiences and brand identity for your clients

Tradebuilder is a Marketing, Design, and Technology agency that does the groundwork for you to create the best experiences for your customers. We make your business get the attention it deserves through unique brand experiences and brand identity. With a little professional help from us, you can control how your brand is perceived. And start converting the perceptions into sales. Contact us to learn more about our services, or call us at +1 (844) 822-8442. 
