User-Generated Content vs Brand-Generated Content: A Complete Guide

October 2024

User-Generated Content vs Brand-Generated Content: A Complete Guide

Aim: It is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the differences between these two types of content and their respective strengths and weaknesses. It also offers practical advice on how to effectively use both UGC and BGC in a marketing strategy. The ultimate goal is to help readers make informed decisions about their content creation and marketing efforts.

If you're running a business or working on a marketing team, you've probably heard the buzz around user-generated content (UGC) and brand-generated content. But which one should you focus on?

Well, it depends!

Each type of content has its own unique strengths, and when used the right way, both can work wonders for your brand. This blog post will help you understand the differences between User-Generated Content vs Brand-Generated Content, how they can fit into your overall content strategy, and why it's not just about choosing one over the other.

What Is User-Generated Content (UGC)?

Let's start with user-generated content. In simple terms, UGC is any content created by people who've used your product or service, not by your brand. It could be a photo of your customer wearing your product, a review on a website, or a social media post showing how much they love what you do. 

Key Features of UGC:

  • Authenticity: It's real people sharing their real experiences with your brand, which feels more trustworthy.
  • Relatable: It resonates with others because it's more personal and genuine.
  • Budget-Friendly: Your customers are doing the content creation for you! You don't need to pay for professional production.

Imagine someone posts a selfie using your product on Instagram-there's your UGC, working its magic without you lifting a finger.

What Is Brand-Generated Content?

On the flip side, we have brand-generated content. This is content that's created by you or your marketing team, carefully designed to align with your brand's message and goals. Think of product ads, promotional videos, blog posts (like this one!), or anything else you control from start to finish.

Key Features of Brand-Generated Content:

  • Consistency: Everything from the tone to the visuals follows a specific, planned message.
  • Full Control: You have complete say over what's being said and how it's presented.
  • Goal-Oriented: Every piece is created with a clear purpose-whether it's to drive sales, build brand awareness, or boost loyalty.

For example, that professionally shot video you made to promote your latest product? That's classic brand-generated content.

UGC vs Brand-Generated Content: What's the Difference?

Now that we know what each type of content is, let's compare them. Both UGC and brand-generated content have different strengths, and they complement each other when used strategically.

1. Trust & Authenticity

  • UGC: Customers tend to trust UGC more because it's not coming directly from the brand. In fact, studies show that nearly 79% of people say UGC impacts their purchasing decisions because it feels authentic and relatable.
  • Brand-Generated Content: While it's polished and professional, it can sometimes come off as "too corporate" or overly promotional, which may lower its credibility.

2. Control Over the Message

  • UGC: You don't have control over what your customers say. While that can be great for authenticity, it can also be a risk if someone shares a negative experience.
  • Brand-Generated Content: Since you're in control, you can craft the perfect message that aligns with your brand's image and goals.

3. Engagement

  • UGC: User-generated content often leads to higher engagement because people love seeing real experiences from others. A genuine review or a customer photo tends to get more attention than a traditional ad.
  • Brand-Generated Content: While it may not spark as much immediate engagement, it's still essential for building long-term brand loyalty and consistency.

4. Cost

  • UGC: It's free! Well, mostly. You don't need to hire a creative team or spend on production. Your customers are happily sharing their experiences.
  • Brand-Generated Content: You'll need to budget for content creation, including creative teams, production costs, and ad spend.

UGC vs. Brand-Generated Content: Which Is Right for You?

It's not a matter of choosing between UGC or brand-generated content; both are important! UGC adds a layer of trust and relatability that brand-generated content can't always achieve. On the flip side, brand-generated content is key to delivering a consistent message that aligns with your broader marketing goals.

Combining both allows you to engage with your audience authentically while ensuring your brand's message remains clear and consistent. Plus, throwing in influencer content can boost your reach and give you a fresh perspective on your content strategy.

How to Use UGC and Brand-Generated Content Together?

Now you know working with both types of content is the best, but how can we do that. Here's how you can make the most of both:

  • Feature UGC in Your Brand Campaigns: Encourage customers to share their experiences with your product or service and highlight these on your social media channels or website.
  • Balance UGC with Brand-Generated Content: Use UGC to build authenticity and trust, while relying on brand-generated content for consistency and control.
  • Leverage Influencers: If you want a happy medium between UGC and branded content, influencer marketing can be a great way to bridge the gap.
  • Create Contests or Hashtag Campaigns: Encourage users to share their experiences using a branded hashtag or participate in a contest. This drives engagement and generates plenty of UGC.
  • Monitor and Curate UGC: While UGC is organic, you should still keep an eye on what's being posted to make sure it aligns with your brand values.


In today's fast-paced digital world, knowing when to use user-generated content and brand-generated content can make a huge difference in your marketing success. Both have their perks-UGC brings that authentic, real-world vibe, while brand-generated content gives you the control and consistency you need. The best part? You don't have to pick just one! Using both can boost your brand's presence, increase engagement, and build lasting trust with your audience.

At Tradebuilder, we're experts when it comes to creating the perfect marketing strategy for your brand. Whether you want to step up your UGC game or fine-tune your brand-generated content, we've got you covered. Let's work together to create a strategy that fits your business and drives results. Reach out, and let's make something great happen! Happy marketing!
